Goddess Body Cleanse Review


Hello Gods & Goddesses

I am coming to you lovelies today with the long-awaited review of the Goddess Body TeaTox Cleanse.

Last month Triiin and I did the Goddess Body Cleanse, which was created by Angela Elizabeth. This teatox contained three teas: The Mind & Spirit Herbal Blend, The Healthy Yoni Herbal Blend, & The Cleansing Herbal Blend. It also contained Belly Buster Botanicals that can be added to any beverage. The cleanse called for us to ingest these three teas daily, while also eating a mostly raw/vegan diet.

The Mind & Spirit Herbal Blend is consumed in the morning. The Healthy Yoni Herbal Blend, midday. And the Cleansing Herbal Blend at night.


I will be honest. This cleanse was no easy feat for me at first. I like a lot of variety in my diet and I started off the cleanse quite bored by the raw foods I had access to. This was due largely in part that we had not had time to grocery shop just yet. Being busy, makes it harder than you think to drink 3 teas a day, even as an avid tea drinker such as myself. We managed though. Also, I think the first week is when the most major detoxing has to take place, as your body accepts the effects of these herbs and acclimates to a new diet. However, a body rejecting toxins is not its most comfortable.

Once we got past the week one woes, it got a lot easier to keep pushing. We stocked up on fruits and veggies, nuts and granola, and started putting our creative fusion on our meals again. We marinated mushrooms for the first time, which was quite nice. We got better with pre-brewing the teas, so they would be ready and available on those busier days when stopping to brew simply would not be possible. We also got better with creative ways to consistently ingest the teas and our raw foods, in general. One of the best combinative efforts of this was the TeaTox smoothies we began concocting. We could fill them with delicious fresh fruits and tasty teas to effectively fulfill both of our requirements.

Top 5 Favorite Cleanse Foods






Cleanse Benefits:

Glowing Skin & Complexion

Weight (waste) Release

Eliminates Parasites & Worms

Balances Female Hormones

Enhances Hourglass Shape

Higher Energy Levels

Balances Vaginal Health

Regular Menstrual Cycles

Less Painful Cycles

Eases Menopausal Symptoms


Cold/Flu Prevention

Shrinking/Alleviation of Fibroids, PCOS

Relief for Endometriosis & other Uterine Health Issues

Higher Focus & Concentration

Bowel Regularity

Subdue Cravings

Improved & Enhanced Libido


Now certain effects I cannot personally attest to (such as those related to menopause, fibroids, endometriosis, etc.) because these are not ailments I am, myself, afflicted by. However, I definitely experienced the other effects this cleanse boasts. During the cleanse, I had a completely painless menstrual cycle. Completely painless. This is partially due to Goddess Body’s Yoni Oil which I have been using consistently for a year now (review coming soon on that liquid gold), but used in tandem with this cleanse, my feminine power could overcome any malady. I also found myself needing to sleep less as a whole. I had energy all day, energy all night, and I could easily subsist on 4 hours of sleep like it had been 8. I’m not an avid consumer of junk but I also found myself craving even less junk then before. Whenever I wanted something sweet, the craving was easily satiated by fruit. I work at a children’s establishment and during the time of the cleanse, with the season change, something was going around. However, with the cleanse and proper diet on my side, I was able to prevent falling victim to the circling illness.

One complaint with this mostly raw diet is that it is a LOT of snacking. Healthy snacking, but still. Loving to cook as I do, I like preparing, then sitting down to eat a home cooked meal. When we had opportunities to throw in the vegan dishes in our arsenal, we were more than pleased.

Doing the Goddess Body Cleanse reminded me of one very important thing: Listen to your body in the many ways it speaks. It will tell you what it needs.

Be discerning of the effects of what you ingest and don’t chalk up not-so-good observations up to coincidence.

I have been a Pescetarian for two years and eat quite healthily in general. As a result of this cleanse, I have learned first hand the sustainability of a vegan diet (though raw eating as a dietary plan is something I would be more likely to do in stints.) In the true spirit of listening to what my body needs, I have decided to adopt a dietary philosophy my Goddess-friend Aeon calls “Flexitarian”. It comes down to this. In many cases, labels are for others. To identify yourself to outsiders, or as a member of a particular group. Not that, that is a bad thing per se, but I am a person who likes to make lifestyle changes and I like to give myself the best chance to do so. Jumping to fit the societal label system, in this case, will not promote that kind of stable change for me. I know I am not quite ready to make that jump to Vegan (and I promised Triiin a trip to my hometown, New Orleans before we give up seafood for good, so that has to happen.) I also don’t think I could ever permanently give up traditional baked goods. But I do see that the vegan lifestyle is the healthiest sustainable lifestyle for human beings. I see the hydration, vitality, and nourishment vegan eating provides & how things like dairy and eggs are not necessary to our diet. I have become privy to how my body interacts with these things in my temple, versus only vegan things. I’d never had this problem before (or perhaps never really noticed it) but, I’ve begun to develop lactose intolerance to an undesirable degree (Which makes perfect sense when you really ponder the thought of an adult human drinking milk intended for baby cows). I’ve never been a huge fan of drinking milk at all, but after this cleanse even milk products have this effect now. I may not be ready to make a permanent jump to Vegan, but now that I have this knowledge, tested against my own body chemistry, I will do my best with what I have acquired. I know my body and I am growing in that knowingness everyday. I know my goals. This aptly named philosophy will allow me to go with the flow of what my soul sees fit at the time. I will remain accountable for what is best for my health and let that evolve in the ways and timings the Universe sees fit to guide me,

As of now my plan is to technically be a pescetarian who eats mostly vegetarian with vegan emphasis. Does that sound like a mish-mosh of confusion or what? Like should we try to say it three times fast or….?lol

Its actually not all that confusing to me. I’m simply planning to 1) Limit my seafood intake as much as possible.(attempting not to exceed 3 times/meals a week.)  2) Limit my dairy intake as much as possible (NEVER drink milk, some allowances will be made but cook with milk product as little as possible) 3) Limit egg consumption (Egg used the creation of something is fine (noodles, baked goods, etc.), but ingest eggs in their form no more than twice a week) . Drink lots of water. Eat lots of veggies. Incorporate more and more vegan things.

Now even with these stipulations, I have eaten even less of these things than I have allowed room for. I haven’t had eggs in weeks and I have even started shying away from cheese (one of my favorite guilty pleasures) more & more. I will stay in avid communication to my body and listen to what it needs to function at its highest degree. Lets see where this flexitarian diet takes me next!

If you are interested in trying the Goddess Body Cleanse or any of this Goddess’s other lovely holistic products, check out GoddessBody.org ASAP.

Follow GoddessBody on instagram for more info on various products, deals, discounts, and more!


☮ A.T. ☮

Universal Reciprocity


The Universe is not a negative or positive consciousness. It responds to the vibrations you emit. Think of it as a computer. It’s all a matter of what you type in the search engine that determines what you see on the screen. It’s the same with your vibes. The vibrations you put out are the ones you will receive. Today started off quite abysmally. Nothing was going smoothly and everything that could happen to upset me, did. I admit I was quite down about it at first, but I made the conscious decision to keep my energy positive, having faith that with my persistence, the energy of the day would follow.  And you know what? It most certainly did. And the day turned out even better than I could’ve imagined. So shoutout to universal reciprocity. With it, I am always the captain of my own fate.

No one or nothing can steal your joy but you. Namaste.


Saturday Morning Ramblings


8:26am: It really grinds my gears when people post memes like ” I can’t roll up or twerk, but I go to work & cook” or “Queens > bad bitches” etc. Maybe because I know that I’m a composite being, full of yin & yang but I just don’t get why people are so eager to uplift themselves by looking down on other beings. Why do we feel the need to constantly come up with sects, groups, titles and other distinctions that only serve to seperate us further? To feel special and somehow uplifted by the belittling of others… I dont get it. Enlightenment is not an excuse to be pretentious. It’s not about looking down on others, now that you have all this knowledge. As we grow in enlightenment, we should be simultaneously expanding in understanding of and compassion toward the people. Not looking down on the parties we’re aiming to help. Know that you know nothing. Know that you are everything, and nothing at all. Awake from the illusion of our separateness. We are all one, from bad bitches to Queens to everyone in between. After all, I can cook, twerk, roll up, go to work, and shift the culture all at the same time. Don’t box me in. Call me ratchet spiritual. That ascended down-to-Earth type. How bout you?


One Love


A.T. the Poetess

Hello Lovers!

I am a writer through and through. And being a writer means I write all sorts of things….blogs, fiction stories, songs, etc. But did you guys know I do poetry? Yes, I love to air out my opinions in systematic rhyme schemes lol.

I do written and spoken word…

And I think…you guys should check it out!


Here’s a little sneak peek of the spoken word variety

If your interested in more of my poetry, head over to my Poetry Corner on Tumblr to see what Miiiri’s mouth do. 🙂

Love & Light

☮ A.T. ☮

Cleansing Blueberry Twist Smoothie + Cleanse Update

Cleansing Blueberry Twist Smoothie


8 slices Banana

8-10 Blueberries

2 slices Lime

Honey (to desired sweetness)

1/3 cup Vanilla Soy Milk

1/3 cup Goddess Body Cleansing Herbal Blend


Blend & Enjoy (makes 1 16oz serving)


Its May 1st and our 28 day Goddess Body Tea Cleanse is now done! Feeling pretty accomplished and happy about that fact. Smoothies we’re a great asset in maintaining the mostly raw/vegan diet associated with this cleanse. They also we’re a delicious versatile way to incorporate the daily teas. I learned a bit about my body and listening to what it needs. And I learned, firsthand, just how realistically possible and beneficial it is to eat vegan. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to document as much of the cleanse as I would’ve liked since, after the 1st week, I cracked the screen on my phone and it was out of commission for weeks. However, I will be doing a review of the Goddess Body Cleanse soon. In the review I will share my experiences with this cleanse, my fave foods and recipes during the cleanse, and cleanse benefits. Stay tuned lovely lovers!

Check out GoddessBody.org for this cleanse, herbal blends, and other holistic health, wellness, and beauty goodies.

Love & Light

☮ A.T. ☮