Trendspotting Tuesdays: Mermaid Mane


As the warmer seasons of the year kick into full swing, fashion begins to reflect the seasonal shift in the myriad of colors that make themselves visible in trends & style.

Now as we have already noticed, neon-pastels (seems like an oxymoron, but oddly enough it’s have made a heavy appearance in the Spring/Summer 2014 trendscape. This color trend has permeated everything, from nail polish, to accessories, to lipstick you name it. Hair, is no exception. This new obsession with neon-pastels has brought on a the mass desire for mermaid hair!

No matter what race, color, or creed, hair texture, or style, many are dying their hair beautiful bright pastel colors like coral, seafoam green, teal, and lavender.

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Some opt for ombre, doing darkest shade to lightest shade (roots to end). Others distinctly highlight their strands a brilliant trifecta of neon-pastel shades. And some opt for all over, one color, neon-pastel strands. No matter the method, the result is quite vibrant & very reminiscent of the our images of sexy mer-people. And I love it!

I don’t have the balls to dye my entire head of hair (for the hair health issues color poses), but I do plan to dye Delilah (my loc) purple on the tip one of these days. Does that count…?? Haha.

What do you guys think of the trend? Would you die your hair in this mermaid fashion?

Let me know!

Until Next Time…

☮ XOXO A.T. ☮